Online retailer
Do you know how many sales you are losing with your old online store?
We know!
An outdated online store is the company's biggest cost.
Do you want to increase your e-commerce sales?

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Thinkdigi BOOST
What is Thinkdigi BOOST?
During the BOOST period, the company's digital marketing metrics and online store monitoring will be fixed. When the results can be viewed based on reliable data:
- You will get 100% more e-commerce sales
- Your company's online presence increases
- Let's find the right advertising formats
- Let's find savings in the advertising budget
- A growth-seeking digital marketing plan can be created
- Correctly measured results guarantee the best result in the future as well
Content of the Service
Service content:
- Duration 2 months
- Analyzing the current situation
- Technical settings for analytics (pixels, conversion api, analytics)
- Sales scaling
- Weekly/monthly results review
- Advertising media analysis
- Website analysis
- The plan for the future of digital marketing
The BOOST period does not bind the company to anything. You are free to decide how digital marketing will be implemented in the future.

Solutions implemented for customers
Get inspired by previous digital implementations!
Vorssa Ink: Tehokkaasti Konvertoiva Verkkokauppa ja Nykyaikainen Jälleenmyyjäsivusto
CENT Brand Store | Shopify-verkkokauppa mullistaa perinteisen liiketoiminnan
Cent-Listat otti merkittävän askeleen digitalisaation polulla tuomalla perinteisen liiketoimintansa verkkoon Shopify -verkkokaupan avulla.
Tritanium - Shopify online store